Focus: Sustainable Hygiene Products Packaging | Period: 2020/2023 | Funding: Sustainability Design Lab

Laminar at SDL

Every year, over a billion toothpaste tubes are discarded, many of which are made of plastic with a significant carbon footprint. Despite recent efforts to make traditional plastic tubes recyclable, the impact is limited due to long-established user behaviour and expectations. On the other hand, Laminar offers an innovative solution by replacing disposable toothpaste packaging with infinitely reusable tubes, significantly reducing plastic waste. In addition, unlike other sustainable toothpaste alternatives, Laminar maintains the user experience by containing the same preferred toothpaste in better packaging.

Laminar is the last toothpaste tube customers need to buy. The empty tubes can be easily refilled at home using a refill bag, in-store at refill stations, or through toothpaste cartridges subscriptions. The refilling systems reduce the carbon footprint of toothpaste and the cost of logistics and packaging, thus making Laminar a cost-effective solution over the long term.

Using Laminar eliminates plastic waste and the need to fumble around to get the last bit of toothpaste. The tubes are premium feeling, modular, and fluoride and dishwasher-safe. Making Laminar easy to clean, customise and replace. A travel version of Laminar was developed and added to the project’s scope, and additional accessories make Laminar suitable for people with grip impairment, such as the elderly and disabled.

At the Sustainability Design Lab, Bashar Zapen employs his multidisciplinary expertise to conduct usability tests, finalise the design and production requirements of Laminar tubes, and define the service and UX design of the refilling systems. Since joining SDL, Laminar has been shortlisted in multiple sustainability and design awards.

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